Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Hmmmm, perhaps I spoke too soon last week. Really I was only super productive for about two days. And then my DD left town with her grandparents, and my behind became glued to the couch. Without knitting or books. Tragedy.

I did get the bottom of the kitty bed made (I'm using the pattern from the first SnB book) at SnB Tuesday night. And later in the week I worked on the "wall." Slow going, b/c it has to be sooooooo long to go all the way around.

I read some fluffy books later in the week and saw a few bad movies with my girlfriends.

Mostly I'm just glad I got the house cleaned at the beginning of the week 'cause it wouldn't have happened otherwise.

Luckily, I get Friday and Monday off for the Easter holiday, so hopefully, productivity will resume. Especially b/c many of the SnBers want a chocolate dotted tote bag, so I've got to get to work on that sewing machine!

Oh, obnoxious girl was still at SnB on Tuesday night. We did manage to ignore her quite a bit, so hopefully we'll eventually drive her off, or shut her up. I hate to be so mean, but I just can't help it.

But it's off to the grind. Happy Tuesday?

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